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Watersmeet, Mich --- Ike Vacations and Talks to Newsmen - Snap Jack Lodge Sil. Neg. Trims - 7-24-61

Silent black and white outtakes of President Eisenhower talking to press near a lake in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Scenes of where he is staying o...
Ike Starts Western Swing Cedar Rapids, Iowa Print Trims SOF & Sil. 10-19-58

Black and white outtakes of President Eisenhower making a speech to farmers in Iowa. He thanks them for their work. He talks a lot about the Soviet...
Eisenhower at Manila University in Philippines SOF and Silent 6/17/60

Black and white outtakes of President Dwight D. Eisenhower receiving an honorary Doctorate of Law at the University of Manila. Eisenhower makes a s...
Eisenhower Tour of Far East. Formosa, Okinawa, So. Korea 6-18-19-20/60 SOF and Silent

Black and white outtakes (sound and silent) of President Eisenhower’s 1960 tour of Okinawa, Taiwan (then known as Formosa), and South Korea. The fo...