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Coverage of the ceremony and inauguration of President Harry S. Truman from start to finish, beginning with the journey from the White House to the...
[Telenews Highlights from 1956 Republican and Democratic National Conventions]

This film includes excerpts from the 1956 Republican National Convention and Democratic National Convention.

Silent black and white outtakes of Harry Truman receiving a "Distinguished Service Award of the Broadcast Pioneers" for his long service to the Ame...
CH-2 Vol. 14 #209, Independence, Mo. Camel Driver Visits Truman- Negative Trims

Black and white outtakes of Pakistani camel driver, Bashir Ahmad, meeting Harry S. Truman at the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library and Museum in...

Black and white outtakes of former U.S. president Harry Truman at a press conference answering questions about presidential primaries, national con...
Truman News Conf. Chicago 6-6-60

Black and white outtakes of a press conference with former U.S. president Harry Truman. He discusses espionage and says he supposes it happened und...
Truman Announces for Symington, Chicago SOF & Sil. Neg. Trims 5-13-60

Black and white outtakes of a press conference with Harry Truman in which he reads out a statement endorsing Senator Stuart Symington as the Democr...
Truman Press Conference and Speech Excerpts Negative Trims --Chicago--5/22/58

Black and white outtakes of former U.S. president Harry Truman reading out a speech to the press in Chicago followed by a press conference. In the ...
Truman Press Conference and Speech outtakes

Black and white outtakes featuring Harry Truman at a press conference and making a speech.
At the press conference he answers questions about...
First Truman Press conf. the day after he first arrived for the convention

Harry Truman attends a press conference for the 1956 Democratic National Convention.
Democratic Big-Wigs Attend Breakfast Given by Mayor Daley Before Convention

A breakfast preceding the 1956 Democratic National Convention, likely to have taken place on August 13.

John L. Lewis and Harry Truman

Interviews with John L. Lewis and Governor Averell Harriman during the 1956 Democratic National Convention.

George Meany of AFL-CIO Appears Before Democratic Platform Committee

George Meany of the AFL-CIO attends the Democratic Platform and Resolutions Committee in 1956.

[1956 Democratic Convention Nominating Speeches for James C. Davis and W. Averell Harriman]

Nominating speeches given by Marvin Griffin and James C. Healey for presidential candidates James C. Davis and W. Averell Harriman, respectively, a...