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22 object results
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Mary and Joe Chicago Style [unedited Three Kings footage]

Unedited scenes from Mary and Joe Chicago Style, a retelling of the Nativity as re-imagined by Chicago's Central Cinematographers amateur ...
Lincoln Park Ku Klux Klan

Content Notice: This material contains depictions of hate speech.

Loosely assembled footage documents a rally attended by neo-N...
Art Jones + [Harold Washington]

Content Notice: This material contains depictions of hate speech.

Loosely assembled footage documents neo-Nazi Art Jones’ prese...
Chicago Tribune (secondary)

Footage of Chicago Tribune workers as they strike outside the Chicago Tribune Publishing Center, surrounded by supportive crowds of Chicago Federat...
[Columbus Drive Bascule] Bridge

Footage of a ceremony held by the City of Chicago on October 18, 1982, as Mayor Jane Byrne dedicates the $33-million Columbus Drive Bascule Bridge ...
Washington For Jesus, America For Jesus, Washington, D.C.

Loosely assembled footage documents the “America for Jesus” rally in Chicago’s Grant Park on August 15, 1981, and the preceding “Washington for Jes...
Touhy Killing

Newsreel footage from three different news stories regarding the release and subsequent death of Roger Touhy, an Irish-American mob boss from Chica...
Cop Killing Re-Enactment

Seventeen year old soldier Donald Lawrence answers questions about fatally shooting Detective Lyons Kelliher and wounding Officer William Derrig at...
Thumbnail missing

Untitled silent 35mm film depicting an outdoor nudist gathering in the late 1940s. Scenes of nudists playing volleyball, swimming, talking to the p...
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News footage at the scene of the discovery of the bodies of Barbara (15) and Patricia Grimes (12), victims of a still-unsolved double murder. The g...
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Unedited news footage at the scene of the discovery of the bodies of Barbara (15) and Patricia Grimes (12), victims of a still-unsolved double murd...
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Newsreel of the scene of the discovery of the bodies of Barbara (15) and Patricia Grimes (12), victims of a still-unsolved double murder. The girls...
Burglar Alarm

A film that demonstrates the effectiveness of a store’s burglar alarm.

Police Unveil Armour Suit Detroit 4/29/58 - Negative Trims

Black and white outtakes featuring the Detroit Police Department testing out a new armor suit by shooting at a man wearing it. The man wearing the ...
Hammond Police - Auto-Truck Noise Enforcement 2-27-80

Footage documenting news coverage of police enforcing a noise ordinance in Hammond, Indiana.
Heroic Police Effort to Save Child - During Firemen's Strike -Two Die in Fire 14th + St. Louis - 3-5-80

News footage captures police and firefighters' response to a fire at 1434 S. St. Louis Ave on March 5, 1980, near the conclusion of the 23-day fire...
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