1920s Film at Caterpillar Tractors
Date Of Production
Caterpillar Tractor Company demonstrating how diesel tractors can be used to plow through snow and ice in the most extreme temperatures in rural landscapes, mountain roads, and in cities. Silent with title cards, film begins abruptly.
00:00 - film begins abruptly, title cards read about how heavy snow can stop a community, MLS children walking to school fighting wind in snow storm, LS, HA firefighters extinguishing fire in snow-covered house, MS worried mother in room w/ a crib looking out window, MLS FA men pushing car stuck in snow
00:41 - Caterpillar Tractor plows through deep snow, RA tractor plowing through high snow, FA cars follow tractor on cleared path, in summer tractors build and maintain roads, in winter they clear them, MLS tractor clearing dirt for roads, MLS FA tractor plowing through deep snow
02:10 - stats on fuel efficiency and preventing ice damage, VS HA tractor plowing snow into air, FA man jumping on snow to demonstrate tractor plowing hard-packed ice, MLS tractor lifts blades like wings and turns in place, MS men kicking ice chunks
04:09 - types of plows, FA “V” Type pushing snow to left and right, VS One Way Blade Type used on mountain roads, MLS Rotary Type moving snow into air with rotors, LS Rotary Type tractor plowing 10’ of snow, men picking with shovels, lifting dog over wall of snow
06:30 - VS tractors demonstrating power to buck drifts, grip frozen surfaces, short turning, working at high altitude and extreme cold in deep snow
07:47 - snow plowing city streets, RA MLS small tractor blowing snow into flatbed trailer, MLS small snow plows moving snow loads, MLS SA tractor pulling 3 full loads of snow like a train, FA LS small sidewalk plow in front of industrial landscape, MLS small plow moving light snow with city buildings and cars in background, MS V-plow on small tractor
09:25-10:16 - MLS tractor plowing airport, MLS PAN plane taking off runway, title cards- investing in plows saves tax payers money keeping roads in good condition and allows “business as usual” in winter, LS cars and trucks riding on plowed roads in rural landscape, THE END
00:41 - Caterpillar Tractor plows through deep snow, RA tractor plowing through high snow, FA cars follow tractor on cleared path, in summer tractors build and maintain roads, in winter they clear them, MLS tractor clearing dirt for roads, MLS FA tractor plowing through deep snow
02:10 - stats on fuel efficiency and preventing ice damage, VS HA tractor plowing snow into air, FA man jumping on snow to demonstrate tractor plowing hard-packed ice, MLS tractor lifts blades like wings and turns in place, MS men kicking ice chunks
04:09 - types of plows, FA “V” Type pushing snow to left and right, VS One Way Blade Type used on mountain roads, MLS Rotary Type moving snow into air with rotors, LS Rotary Type tractor plowing 10’ of snow, men picking with shovels, lifting dog over wall of snow
06:30 - VS tractors demonstrating power to buck drifts, grip frozen surfaces, short turning, working at high altitude and extreme cold in deep snow
07:47 - snow plowing city streets, RA MLS small tractor blowing snow into flatbed trailer, MLS small snow plows moving snow loads, MLS SA tractor pulling 3 full loads of snow like a train, FA LS small sidewalk plow in front of industrial landscape, MLS small plow moving light snow with city buildings and cars in background, MS V-plow on small tractor
09:25-10:16 - MLS tractor plowing airport, MLS PAN plane taking off runway, title cards- investing in plows saves tax payers money keeping roads in good condition and allows “business as usual” in winter, LS cars and trucks riding on plowed roads in rural landscape, THE END
Run Time
10 min 16 sec
375 feet
Reel/Tape Number
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Additional Credits
Company, Caterpillar (is contributor)
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