Hiroshima Ten Years Later [Negative]
A film that documents the first World Conference Against Atomic & Hydrogen Bombs that took place August 6-15, 1955 in Hiroshima, Japan.
The film opens with a shot of a sign bearing the inscription, “Welcome Member of World Conference Against Atomic & Hydrogen Bombs.” The scene shifts to a variety of aerial cityscape shots of Hiroshima, Japan and then transitions to a scene documenting a musical procession adjacent to the Hiroshima train station. The procession arrives at Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park where multitudes of attendees gather to honor lost loved ones with flowers, and the Genbaku (Atomic Bomb) Dome appears nearby. Incense burns at the base of the Memorial Cenotaph, while former Missouri House of Representatives member Orland K. Armstrong reads from a prepared script, and his wife Marjorie Moore looks on. The scene transitions again to a hibakusha of Hiroshima who removes his shirt to show back burns inflicted by the bomb to a surrounding crowd. A series of close-up shots of the Genbaku Dome are shown, followed by more ceremonial footage at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial, and then shots of a fleet of boats that fly their flags along the Motoyasu River. The scene transitions again briefly to the Hiroshima train station where foreign attendees possibly prepare for departure, and then to an indoor religious ceremony. The following scene returns to the Memorial Park where Armstrong and Moore pose for the press, and Armstrong exhibits his fascination with a nearby PA system. The film concludes inside of a large auditorium where conference members preside at tables, and conference chairman Shinzo Hamai, Mayor of Hiroshima, stands to speak.
Monuments and memorials
Parades and processions
Nuclear weapons
World War II