Telenews Weekly #38 1956
Telenews Weekly begins with its Story of The Week: “Dulles Strives for Suez Peace.” Opening shots show demonstrators in London protesting any use of force in handling the crisis. Delegates from 18 nations attend the second Suez Canal Conference held at the Lancaster House including U.S. Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles. Footage includes shots of Egyptian Pilots working on the Suez Canal and President Gamal Abdel Nasser encountering news reporters in Cairo.
The following segment, “Children’s World,” features Dwight and Mamie Eisenhower as they entertain grandchildren David, Susan, and Barbara Ann at their farm home in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Local union builders put up a new home for Mrs. Bertha Whyte of Bowmansville, Ontario for her 5 children and 52 foster children.
In an “Armed Forces” segment, the air force tests its newest HTV rocket at the Holloman Air Development Center in New Mexico, and a B-52 Stratofortress Bomber crash near Madera, California kills 5 on September 17, 1956.
In “News of Science,” the German Industries Exhibition in Berlin includes a U.S. outer space display with plans for a satellite circling the earth. The exhibition is attended by U.S. Ambassador to West Germany, James B. Conant. Additionally, Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion visits an “Atoms for Peace” display at the Chaim Wiezmann Institute.
In “Women’s World,” Secretary of the Navy Charles Thomas recognizes Mrs. Beverly Ellis of Norfolk, Virginia as the winner of the first “U.S. Mrs. Navy” Contest at a ceremony in Long Beach, California. On September 15, 1956, Princess Grace and Prince Rainier of Monaco attend the United Nations Handicap horse race in Atlantic City, New Jersey won by Career Boy.
In “Sports Highlights,” Harvie Ward defeats Charles Kocsis to win the National Amateur Golf Championship at Knollwood Country Club in Lake Forest, Illinois.
In “Once Over Lightly!” inmates at Oklahoma State Prison in McAlester, Oklahoma perform at their annual rodeo, and the footage concludes with shots of watersport tournament activity taking place on Lake Como in Italy.