Kozlar Family and Life Collection
This collection has been accessioned, but has not yet been fully described.
To inquire about this collection, email the archive at info@chicagofilmarchives.org
36 reels of 8mm and Super 8 home movies shot in the Chicago, Albuquerque, and Milwaukee areas.
Collection Identifier
Extent of Collection
9 reels of 8mm, 26 reels of Super 8, and 1 reel mixed Super 8 and 8mm.
Collection Items
To request more information about the items in this collection, please contact the archive at
- 2-1 Going to [D... H...?] one
- 2-2 Going to [D... H...?]
- 2-3 Going [?]
- 1969 - [Gardening]
- 1969 - Hawthorn Farm Brookfield Zoo, Steve, Mickie, + me
- 1970 - Kikie's Graduation
- 1970 March 2 - Going to Topeka Kansas Hospital
- 1970 March 6 - Lorry from Topeka Hospital
- 1971 June - Graduation Pinky + Chinese [Rest]
- 1973 Coming home from Deming on Bus and [?]
- 1974 Bill + Sons Baby Billy
- 1974 Coming home on train [Thea?] Mickey + Pinky On Beach
- 1974 - Mickey + Pinky at Paulina - [Connie St; + All Living?]
- 1974 - Mickey When she went to Indiana for Jerry
- 1974 - Pink + Me + Mickey Circus
- 1976 Jan. Reel 220 So State St. Worked [Nates?]
- 1976 June - Zoo Brookfield
- Circus Plus Richie + Bobby Blum + Etc
- Coming home on Bus was to [Albaquerque?] New Mexico
- Going to Dem on train
- Going to Deming [Bus?] before snow cap mountains
- Going to Mexico
- Jan. 1976 Pinky Mickey + My House
- [Park, Home]
- [starting?] to New Mexico Mickey + Pinky First Last one [?]
- To my work in Deming [lived there?]
- Train coming home
- Train to [D...?] 1st seen Movie set Where [set up + ?] + etc.
- [Untitled]
- [Untitled]
- [Untitled]
- [Untitled]
- [Untitled]
- [Untitled]
- [Untitled] / Christmas
- Zoo Brookfield 1971 June