Independently-produced newsreel featuring brief human interest stories. Subjects include: cleaning Pullman cars at the Kansas City Terminal Yards; ...
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt encourages the Future Farmers of America to grow trees.
First, a newsreel featuring highlights from the 1937 Future Farmers of America convention in Kansas City, Missouri, produced for the FFA by Andlaue...
The News Parade of the Years 1947-1950 are documentary films made in the U.S. directed by Eugene W. Castle. News Parade is composed of newsreel ...
A Castle Films Quiz show about history, accompanied by footage of world events including the Hindenburg, FDR’s funeral, Pearl Harbor, Mussolini’s d...
A Castle Films short using historical footage that traces the progress of aviation from the early 1900s through the development of faster planes fo...
The News Parade of the Year 1939 is a documentary film made in the U.S. directed by Eugene W. Castle. News Parade is composed of newsreel footage...
The News Parade of the Year 1937 is a documentary film made in the U.S. directed by Eugene W. Castle. News Parade is composed of newsreel footage...
Castle Films, Inc production that captures the pageantry of English royalty in the coronation ceremony of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth.
Castle Films, inc. produced film that presents film clippings of events and people from the early twentieth century. Depicts such famous people or ...
Official Social Security Board news trailer explaining unemployment compensation.
The News Parade of the Year 1939 is a documentary film made in the U.S. directed by Eugene W. Castle. News Parade is composed of newsreel footage...
This short film provides behind-the-scenes looks at the day-to-day lives of Hollywood actors and includes cameo appearances by many film stars.
An interview with an inmate at Indiana State Prison who coordinates a program in which children can write a lett...
A Telenews Weekly broadcast that provides segments for its Story of the Week: "Dulles Strives for Suez Peace," as well as "Children's World," "Arme...
First Deputy Premier of the Soviet Union Frol R. Kozlov visits the Midwest in 1959.