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Truman News Conf. Chicago 6-6-60

Black and white outtakes of a press conference with former U.S. president Harry Truman. He discusses espionage and says he supposes it happened und...
Truman Announces for Symington, Chicago SOF & Sil. Neg. Trims 5-13-60

Black and white outtakes of a press conference with Harry Truman in which he reads out a statement endorsing Senator Stuart Symington as the Democr...
Sen L. Johnson in Hotel

An interview with Lyndon Johnson circa August 15, 1956.

[1956 Democratic Convention Nominating Speeches for James C. Davis and W. Averell Harriman]

Nominating speeches given by Marvin Griffin and James C. Healey for presidential candidates James C. Davis and W. Averell Harriman, respectively, a...