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52 object results
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Chicago Halloween

A rapidly-edited short documentary showing how a variety of individuals, cultural organizations, and performers celebrate Halloween in Chicago.
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A survey of the growth of American cities. Includes historical prints and early photographs of New York and Chicago juxtaposed with a montage of sc...
Prison Santa

An interview with an inmate at Indiana State Prison who coordinates a program in which children can write a lett...

Cop Killing Re-Enactment

Seventeen year old soldier Donald Lawrence answers questions about fatally shooting Detective Lyons Kelliher and wounding Officer William Derrig at...
Bob Brennan's Glued Shoes 1959

Telenews newsreel in which H.B. Fuller Company demonstrates the quality of their Resiweld epoxy adhesive at a Chicago trade show.
1957 Pre-Derby Tom

This film shows Thomas Koza interviewing trainers before the 1957 Kentucky Derby.
Milwaukee Pennant Fever - Art 'Happy' Felsch

Interview with Art “Happy” Felsch, self-styled as America’s number one baseball fan.

Braves Pennant Fever #187

Milwaukee’s preparation for the 1957 World Series.

Nikita Khrushchev in Iowa

Nikita Krushchev visits Iowa on September 22-23, 1959.
Kennedy Continues Whirlwind Campaign

Telenews newsreel highlighting John F. Kennedy's campaign stop in Indianapolis, IN in early 1960.
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News footage at the scene of the discovery of the bodies of Barbara (15) and Patricia Grimes (12), victims of a still-unsolved double murder. The g...

Frank Koza interviews infamous burlesque dancer Jada in front of a rowdy group of Mardi Gras celebrators in New Orleans.
Photo Flash

Sound footage (black & white and color) of ten young, female models from Chicago, Ill. They are interviewed and pose for the camera individually an...
Foolish Pleasure

An interview with Foolish Pleasure’s assistant trainer John Nazareth on August 6, 1976, the day before the Golde...

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