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Child Beater, The

A photo-montage film that presents a dramatized and singular instance of child abuse. As the narrator states, the film “strives for an u...
Mostly I Can Do More Things Than I Can't

A film that highlights an 8-1/2 year old boy who spent the first 3-1/2 years of his life in a pediatric intensive care unit. The film explores his ...

A film about an 11 year old boy dying of leukemia. The family talks about their daily lives, how the boy was told about his illness, the medical ca...
Our Son John

A documentary film that deals with the interpersonal relationships of a multiply handicapped, retarded child and his family.

A short film about a 2-1/2 year old child named Donnie, who spent years in a pediatric intensive care unit. The film considers his personality deve...