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1939 object results
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1923 Wedding

Professionally-shot 35mm film depicting the wedding of Henrietta Glick and Melvin B. Deutsch in Chicago. According to the couple's granddaughter, t...
BMX 1979/80

Amateur film featuring bicycle motocross racing at a BMX race track in the Chicago suburb of Itasca, IL.
Steve's Deerfield History 1974

A 4th grade history project Steve Sanner made with his dad John on the history of the Chicago suburb Deerfield, IL.
Batting Practice

Film depicts White Sox and Baltimore Orioles batting practice at Comiskey Park on August 21st, 1976.

There are a few exterior shots of...

A home movie reel consisting of four parts spliced together, one in color and the following in black and white. In the first, color segment, a Rock...
Chicago in the Year 2000 - Trailer

Trailer to promote Chicago in the Year 2000 (CITY 2000), a yearlong project documenting everyday life in Chicago.

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Chicago in the Year 2000 - 4th of July Trailer

Trailer to promote Chicago in the Year 2000 (CITY 2000), a yearlong project documenting everyday life in Chicago.

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The History of Circle Campus

Short film by an unknown student filmmaker at the University of Illinois. The film uses optical printing and experimental film techniques to manipu...
J.E. Hunter Home Movies 1926 - Chicago Hyde Park

Home movies taken by J.E. Hunter of Hunter Rockwell Lumber Company between 1925 and 1928.
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Metro!!! The School Without Walls (Rod Nordberg, 1970) is an eighteen-minute documentary about the Chicago Public High School for Metropol...
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Metro!!! The School Without Walls (Rod Nordberg, 1970) is an eighteen-minute documentary about the Chicago Public High School for Metropol...
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Metro!!! The School Without Walls (Rod Nordberg, 1970) is an eighteen-minute documentary about the Chicago Public High School for Metropol...
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Metro!!! The School Without Walls (Rod Nordberg, 1970) is an eighteen-minute documentary about the Chicago Public High School for Metropol...
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